Since 2009, Bob was in research and development of quantum cryptography technology at ETRI (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute) in Daejeon. In 2011 Bob joined SK Telecom Quantum Tech Lab where he developed the BB84 phase-modulation-based quantum cryptography technology and completed the development of commercial systems. While in charge of the development of the optics parts, he developed differential phase modulation and interferometer stabilization technologies and filed it for a patent. He also developed a procedure for optimizing QKD performance by interoperating the transmission and receiving optics parts, and an integrated test procedure for interoperating the optics parts and the signal processing part. He participated in the construction of QKD network in Korea.

Before joining gqt he led research projects on PLC-based high-precision optical interferometers and satellite QKD technologies at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology as a research associate professor.

He is the author of 12 SCI/SCIE papers, and the co-author of 23 international conference papers and 15 Korean domestic conference papers. He has filed 11 international and 17 Korean granted patents.

"You have to do what you love to do it for a long time. Do your best in small things."